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Experts from the academic, legal and technical fields address the problem of municipal management of run-off water and climate change in a technical conference


A conference on Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems was held on 21st and 22nd November 2018, organized by Nilsa as a partner of the LIFE NAdapta project and in collaboration with the Public University of Navarre UPNA, under the title "Integrated management of urban runoff water: a new challenge for municipalities".

The objective of this conference was to promote the sustainable management of rainwater and more specifically to present the project and action C2.3 Adaptation of urban sewerage networks through the implementation of sustainable drainage systems in urban areas.

It was organized in three different parts covering technical and regulatory issues and real experiences. The conference was attended by 149 people and was notable for bringing together technical staff from different fields: administration, academia, public and private sectors. The feedback from the audience was very positive.
