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Presentation of the map of the wooded forest stands vulnerability to CC during the conference “Ecological bases for an adaptive management of forest systems”


The conference “Ecological bases for an adaptive management of forest systems” took place in Madrid on 8-9th May 2019. It entailed the IV Meeting of the Ecology, Ecology, Ecophisiology and Forest Soils group of the Spanish Society of Forest Science. The aim of the meeting was to promote and encourage the dissemination of studies related to basic issues for the management and conservation of forest systems under a global change scenario. It constituted a meeting point for scientists and experts.

Scientific program was structured into four sessions: 1) interactions among organisms and soil-plant relations in forest ecosystems, (2) ecophysiology of forest species, (3) vulnerability of forest systems to global change, and (4) adaptive management of forest systems.

During the third session (vulnerability of forest systems to global change), the results and the obtained map regarding the potential vulnerability of wooded forest stands to climate change in Navarre, as part of the LIFE NAdapta Project, were presented. The categorization of the vulnerability was based on the analysis of: (1) the forest species distribution based on the Spanish Forest Map in Navarre, (2) an species sensitivity index of the forest species obtained from bibliography, (3) current bioclimatic indices calculated from the Digital Climatic Atlas in the Iberian Peninsula and (4) changes in those indices according to the AEMET regional projections of CC under an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5).