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An specific web viewer for forest Management tools in Navarre is created


Forest Management Plans (FMP) have been elaborated during more than a century in Navarre, and nowadays they spread over about 310.000 ha, about 48% of forest land. During the last years, the development of new technologies made the format of the information gradually change. The difference in the format of the information and the used data models makes unfeasible the review of the information or the analysis of the stand evolution or their response to the applied management, for instance.

The challenge the society currently faces, the adaptation of forest systems to climate change, requires the information gathered in the forest management tools to be available in an efficient way. In this sense and in the Framework of the Interreg POCTEFA iForWood Project, a geodatabase specifically designed to collect the information of the forest management tools was created. The geodatabase is the source for a web viewer created from the API SITNA, which will be available on the Spatial data Infrastructure of Navarre (Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Navarra IDENA).

In the framework of the LIFE NAdapta Project, we are contributing to the adaptation of the information to the geodatabase data model, as well as to the loading of the information into the geodatabase itself and therefore, into the web viewer.

The viewer will allow technicians and forest managers to query and manage the information of the forest management plans, as well as to analyse the stand evolution and thus, the effectiveness of the applied management.