
Noticias sobre Cambio Climático y Medio Ambiente

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Defendida una tesis doctoral de la UPNA con marca LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC

Parte del contenido de la tesis del alumno Rodrigo Antón Sobejano de la UPNA proviene del trabajo realizado en LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC


El pasado jueves tuvo lugar en la Sala Daniel Nagore del edificio de la Escuela Técnica de Ingeniería Agronómica y Biociencias (ETSIAB) de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) la defensa de la tesis doctoral presentada por el alumno Rodrigo Antón Sobejano.

Esta tesis doctoral, titulada “A soil vulnerability and quality approach for a functional evaluation of agricultural landuse of the territory in Navarre” y que incluye dos de los capítulos realizados a partir del trabajo desarrollado en el marco del proyecto LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC dentro de la acción C.4 sobre agricultura y ganadería, ha sido dirigida por el profesor titular de universidad en la UPNA y uno de los responsables de área en el proyecto LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC, el doctor ingeniero agrónomo D. Íñigo Virto Quecedo.

Durante la ponencia de dicha defensa, que también pudo seguirse de forma telemática través de la plataforma Zoom, se mostraron las siguientes conclusiones:

  1. The adoption of irrigation in the calcareous soil of this study produced increases in soil organic carbon stock, with carbon inputs representing one of the determining drivers of this process

  2. The modeling approach provided important insight into the understanding of the mechanisms that regulate this process in this soil.

  3. Conversion to irrigation can induce significant changes in soil condition, capital and connectivity, and therefore in the soil functionality and their ability to provide adequate ecosystem service as climate regulation and erosion control. The most evident change in soil condition were net gains in soil organic carbon and labile organic carbon.

  4. The observed variability in terms of adoption and effectiveness of the five adaptive strategies tested in this region seemed to be modulated by geographical and management factors, which should therefore be evaluated in each context.
    This highlight the need to understand the complexity of interrelation between different aspect soil management and soil properties at a regional scale, and indicates that more detailed research is need to assess soil vulnerability and the possible adaptability potential of agricultural management to changes in climate.