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Pamplona would have a Mediterranean climate by mid-century, similar to Extremadura or Andalucia, due to climate change

Less than 10% of the consumed energy in Pamplona comes from renewable sources and more than a half of total emissions are linked to transport.


The Council of Pamplona has presented its energy, climate change vulnerability and risks analysis as part of its Strategy for Energy Transition and Climate Change 2030. This analysis remarks an increase of risks for the citizens´ health and the city as the change involving an increase in temperatures and heavy rain is intensified. This will affect the city´s climate and landscape, which are already evolving, and, by mid-century, climate in Pamplona could be similar to areas of Extremadura, Analucia or other Mediterranean areas. The diagnosis highlights a medium climate change vulnerability level for Pamplona due to their population characteristics (high aging index) and to the increase of droughts, floods and changes in the landscape that are to come. It also refers to other aspects such as loss of air quality. As a reassuring fact, it remarks that Pamplona has a high adaptive capacity. Read more.